Events List

2024-2025 Academic Year

The dates below are provisional and are subject to change. Please speak to the school directly for further information.

Tuesday 3rd September
Start of new school year

27th September
Macmillan Coffee Morning: Come along for refreshments between 8-9. We appreciate and contributions to our cake, croissant and biscuit selection. Stay for tea and cake or take away available; all donations will go towards this worthwhile cause.

4-11th October
Space Week: Begins on the 4th October to commemorate the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957. At PPS, the children will learn about the space missions from the past, what it is like to be an astronaut and imagine what they would need and want if they were to embark on such a mission. We will consider the benefits of space travel and share what we think it will be like in the future.

16th October
World Food Day: We invite parents to bring a sample of food from around the world for our shared table to celebrate World Food Day together from 2:30pm. This will also be the launch of our Food Bank collection. We will have boxes in the hall and will be collecting non-perishable food and toiletries up to Christmas holidays to donate to local families. 

11-15th November
Anti-Bullying Week: We will be highlighting the importance of speaking up and reporting unacceptable behaviour. We will participate in activities that will explore different situations we may find ourselves in both in and out of school. On 12th November wear odd socks to celebrate all differences.

15th November
Children in Need: pupils may come into school in their own clothes and we will participate in some SPOTTY activities (TBC by the charity committee).

18th-22nd November
Road Safety Week: from crossing the road safely, importance of car seats and watching our speed we will be increasing our knowledge and understanding of how to keep safe.

19th November
School photographs day.

28th November
Sleeping Beauty pantomime.

3rd December
Turner Prize: A creative activity where the children can undertake individually on a family or both. Choose your creation -point, sculpture, sketching traditional or modernism and get busy! Bring your creation to school on the day for an exhibition in the hall. Friends and families welcome to come and view as well as join in activities in the classroom from 2:30pm.

12th December
Christmas Jumper Day/Concert: Save the Children holds Christmas Jumper day annually to help those in need. We will be combining this with our yearly Christmas concert. Pupils may come to school in winter jumper/clothes. Parents and families are welcome to come and watch a short concert of winter songs from 2pm as well as enjoying refreshments. There will also be a donation box in the hall on the day

19th December
End of Term: School finishes at 4pm (no after school club). We hope you all have a lovely holiday.